Legal Notice

General information on OBgallery
OBgallery started its activity in March 2016
Olivier BENIER is the owner operator of the OBgallery company
The Head office of this company is situated at 8 rue Dagorno - 75012 Paris 12

Company name : OBGallery
Director: Olivier Benier
Address : 8, rue Dagorno 75012 Paris
Phone: 06 78 58 97 40
Legal structure : Artisan (civil)
Date of creation : 01/03/2009
Siren : 510 782 139
Siret 510 782 139 00016
Code APE / NAF / 740Z / Photographic activities
Owner : Olivier Benier


All the photographs present on this site remain the property of their authors, they constitute a work of legal provisions according to the article L112-1 of the Intellectual Property body of law.
Accordingly, any reproduction, in whole or in part, without our prior written approval is forbidden.
Your rights regarding the artwork are limited to the rights of private use, excluding any right of representation or reproduction.

Intellectual property copyright

All the elements present on the site as well as the site itself are protected by a copyright, trademark right of the drawings and models and/or all intellectual property right.
Elements here means that the photographs, images, illustrations, texts, logos...these elements are the property of the OBGallery company or they can be used with the agreement of their owners without limits.
On this basis, Any reproduction or representation,use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, complete or partial, made without the author's consent and the prior written approval of OBGallery would be illegal and would constitute an infringement except in the cases laid down by law according to the article L 122.5 of the intellectual property body of law.

Personal data

Personal data will be collected by OB Gallery on different occasions : orders, account creations, subscription to the newsletter.

The information that you give us may be processed electronically in order to allow the handling of your file, the security of the payments, the expedition of your ordered work and the implementation of commercial actions.

This website is subject to a declaration with the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties under the law number 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Computers, files and liberties. You have a right to query, access, amend and object on legitimate grounds to the processing of any data relating to you.
To make your request, you can write to us at the following address :
8, rue Dagorno
Phone : 06 78 58 97 40

Data security

The personal data that you entrust with OBGallery is stored on our secure servers.
All access to this information is protected and limited to maintenance operations and the processing of your orders, statistic operations enabling us to improve the quality of our services such as the sending of newsletters, photo alerts, recommendation to a friend or sponsorship.
When you go through the payment step for your order on, you will be immediately and automatically directed to the PAYPAL secured server.
Your payment data is encrypted according to SSL protocol  (Secure Socket Layer, SSL technology)
It does not circulate freely on the internet and cannot be intercepted.
OBGallery does not have the knowledge of your bank information.


The return of photographs

Any return of the goods shall be made at the buyer's own risk and expense.
The return of goods must be addressed to :
8, rue Dagorno 
75012 Paris

Prior to any return of products, clients are asked to contact our online customer service and to fill in the return note under the heading "my orders"

All prints must be returned to OBGallery in their original packaging.
In the case of incomplete  or damaged return of a product, a compensation proportional to the damage will be due by the client.
Presence of scratches, stains and frame or pasteboard damage is considered as a total loss of the value of the good which is explicitly agreed by the client.
You will not be liable to pay compensation for loss of value if you do not use the product, and do nothing that may dmage it and affect its value.


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