Our priviledged partner :  Aide & Action

Because Education can cha
nge the world...

Today, 61 million children still don't go to school and 757 millions of adults are illiterate.

The Aide & Action association was created in 1981.As an international solidarity association for development, it is present in more than 20 countries in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe.

Through more than 80 projects which were identified and selectioned after rigorous feasability studies, Aide & Action contributes to the educational improvement of nearly 2 million people.

State-Approved and authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Aide and Action assures a perfect visibility of fund managing to the sponsors and donators thanks to the annual publication of its financial situation.

Evaluations in which participate the project beneficiaires allow to mesure the impact and the scope of implemented actions.

The Educational Projet :
An essential development for a fairer society.

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